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quake sound - Version 1

posted on 2008-07-09 00:22:34
by theking5656

Tags: css


This is female quake sounds for a CSS server You have to have normal QUAKE SOUNDS installed on your server for this to WORK.


FIRST place this file in your quake folder cstrike/sounds/quake. so when open quake folder it should have female folder and all the old male quake sounds under it. NOW to get them to work. server side go Cstrike/cfg/mani admin plugin/quakesoundlist.txt open quakesoundlist and deleat "firstblood" to "teamkiller" and place this there instead: "firstblood" quake/female/firstblood.mp3 "humiliation" quake/female/humiliation.mp3 "multikill" quake/female/multikill.mp3 "monsterkill" quake/female/monsterkill.mp3 "ultrakill" quake/female/ultrakill.mp3 "godlike" quake/female/godlike.mp3 "headshot" quake/female/headshot.mp3 "dominating" quake/female/dominating.mp3 "holyshit" quake/female/holyshit.mp3 "killingspree" quake/female/killingspree.mp3 "ludicrouskill" quake/female/ludicrouskill.mp3 "prepare" quake/female/prepare.mp3 "rampage" quake/female/rampage.mp3 "unstoppable" quake/female/unstoppable.mp3 "wickedsick" quake/female/wickedsick.mp3 "teamkiller" quake/female/teamkiller.mp3 now that should be it restart server

Version Notes For 1

Updated on: 2008-07-09 00:22:33 EST by theking5656 (View Zip Contents)

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