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Type - Version v1.1

posted on 2008-07-02 20:53:27
by eXacT

Tags: css dods hl2dm


A very simple script. Allows clients on a server to say in normal chat, !type when they wish to type and avoid being typekilled. As soon as they become active again, in the sense of shooting a bullet/a knife slash, they will be told and will become mortal. **Special Thanks** Carbon-14: Providing the 'GodMode' vital for the tidy invulnerability. Freddukes: Help with block weapon_fire (Because i'm totally new to this but thought this was potentially an acceptable idea that i hoped someone could make use of! :S)


Upload type/type.txt to your mod folder/addons/eventscripts For auto-load 24/7, add the following line to autoexec.cfg or server.cfg es_load type Otherwise, for manual load, type rcon es_load type

Version Notes For v1.1

Updated on: 2008-07-04 07:26:24 EST by eXacT
Updated on: 2008-07-02 20:53:27 EST v1.1: Second Release -Protection times out at 20 seconds regardless of event weapon_fire -Option to force invulnerability/moving to spectators -Option to allow client to choose invulnerability/moving to spectators v1.0: Initial Release. -Clients say !type for temporary invincibility. -Invulnerability will be lost on shooting/knifing.

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