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enddelay command - Version Standard and Python!

posted on 2007-10-11 01:13:42
by Jeff91


This is a simple script that took me about an hour to write, it creates a command called 'enddelay' which works the same as es_delayed with the small difference that enddelay will not carry over from one round into the next. If you enddelay a command and the round ends it will not run the command you had it delay! Command syntax: enddelay *This will not expand server or event_var s! Use 'es' in front of the command to expand these vars! ~J3ff

Version Notes For Standard and Python!

Updated on: 2007-10-22 02:02:23 EST by Jeff91 (View Zip Contents)
This copy includes a version for ES1.5 and a Python Version for ES2.0 ~J3ff

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