If you server is suffering from loss of players on unpopular maps, this script can switch to a more popular map of your choice when the server becomes empty.
Configuration variables (you can use them in e.g. autoexec.cfg or server.cfg):
[list][*][b]ges_favmap[/b] (def. de_dust) - the map to change to when server is empty
[*][b]ges_bots[/b] (def. -1) - set this number of bots when changing maps (-1 does not alter bot quota)
[*][b]ges_delay[/b] (def. 180) - number of seconds between checks for the server status
[*][b]ges_threshold[/b] (def. 0) - max number of humans playing for server to be considered to be empty
Download the ZIP and extract to your server, or if you are using EventScripts 2.0 or newer, you can use console command "es_install emptyserver" to get the script.
You might want to add "es_load emptyserver" to your autoexec.cfg to make the script loaded every time the server starts. You might also want to set the configuration variables after loading the script. For example:
[code]es_load emptyserver
ges_favmap cs_office
ges_bots 4[/code]
Version Notes For 2.3z
Updated on: 2010-05-17 12:12:56 EST by GODJonez (View Zip Contents)
Fixed zip containing extra folder.