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EasyRanks - Version v.1.0

posted on 2009-05-08 11:01:44
by pinkie


[EasyRanks] was originaly part of a mess around with ESS which then made its way into the EasyScripts group after being tweaked with. [b]Commands -[/b] !rank - Displays your kills/deaths/points E.g [EasyRanks] marK. has 1023 points from 1023 Kills and 21 Deaths! [b]Variables[/b] No variables are actually changable but if you want to change somethings look here. Knife Bonus Change the 50 to anything. [i] es keymath ranking event_var(es_attacksteamid) points + 50 es keymath ranking event_var(es_steamid) points - 50 [/i] Rank Command Change !rank to anything. [i] es_regsaycmd !rank easyranks/rank [/i]

Version Notes For v.1.0

Updated on: 2009-05-08 11:01:44 EST by pinkie (View Zip Contents)
!rank now supports deaths and points aswell as kills.

( Previous Versions )