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Dynamic Slots - Version 5

posted on 2010-10-12 19:07:29
Led by ShoTaXx#


This script set the viewable server slots depending on playercount. But you cannot set this slots higher as your real-server-slots! Maybe a server hoster use it for a special offer or something :P Its better to see an 8/11 slots server as an 8/64 slots server because people think: this server isnt good because he is so empty ;) In example: If you have 13 players the server slots set to 16. There are few options to configure it: //Set the visible Slots at the Beginning es_xsetinfo dyn_start 16 //Set the minimum of slots! es_xsetinfo dyn_min 8 //Set the maximum of slots //Can't set higher as your real slots! es_xsetinfo dyn_max 64 //Set the divergence of the playercount es_xsetinfo dyn_div 3 //Send infos of current slots on round end es_xsetinfo 1 Enjoy it


just type quit in server console :D

Version Notes For 5

Updated on: 2010-11-19 21:10:33 EST by ShoTaXx# (View Zip Contents)
and so on... this is the fix from the fix in the fix

( Previous Versions )