I saw many requests for an addon like this.
This script is for jail servers for ban freekillers from the CT-Team.
I release it because i hate fuuu freekillers!
Its free source as long as you stay my ctban_variable and about popup inside.
To pop-up the mainmenu write "!ctban" in chat.
You can choose between:
1.Ban Player //Open a playerlist with all active players in it
2.Ban Leaver //Show the last player who leave the server and give the abtillity to ban him (for freekill-leaver in example)
3.Ban (Free)Killer //Show the last Counter-Terrorist who killed an Terrorist
4.Unban player //Show a list with all banned players
5.About/HowTo //Show description and explanation of ctban
You can also use the saycommands:
!ctban <STEAMID>
!ctunban <STEAMID>
Nearly everything is built-in into the new Python version.
copy the addons folder into your cstrike folder of your gameserver(may overwrite old version)
and add "es_load ctban" to your autoexec.cfg then type es_load ctban per rcon or restart the server
open the ctban.cfg and type your STEAMID in it (seperate with ", " )