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CSSoundtrack - Version 7

posted on 2007-05-02 04:21:26
by SuperDave


Plays music that changes with game events. Requires only ES 2.0+ Options:[syntax="es"]// CSSoundtrack release 7 options // ./addons/eventscripts/cssoundtrack/cssoundtrack.cfg // // Load this addon with: es_load cssoundtrack // To configure language settings for CSSoundtrack please see cssoundtrack_languages.ini // ***** Music change options ***** // Note: A player "in combat" is a player who (1) hurt or blinded an opponent or (2) was hurt or blinded by an opponent. cssoundtrack_change_combatpercent 40 // Percent of living players in combat required for fast music [default 40] cssoundtrack_change_bomb 1 // 0 = no change, 1 = force fast music when the bomb is planted [default 1] cssoundtrack_change_hostagepercent 75 // Percent of hostages following players required for fast music--set to 0 to eliminate [default 75] cssoundtrack_change_combathostages 1 // 0 = no change, 1 = getting a hostage to follow counts as a player in combat [default 1] cssoundtrack_change_individual 1 // 0 = music is the same for all players, 1 = players hear general music but are forced to fast music when in combat, // 2 = music is played individually for all players [default 1] cssoundtrack_change_individual_stinger 1 // 0 = play stingers only at the end of the round, 1 = play stingers at the end of the round and to players when they die, // 2 = play stingers to players only once per round (death or round end), 3 = play stingers only to players when they die [default 1] // Note: Stingers are always played individually (players don't hear the same stingers). // ***** Delay options ***** cssoundtrack_delay_overlap 3.5 // Number of seconds music overlaps with next and previous music [default 3.5] // Note: For continuous music, sounds must be longer than cssoundtrack_delay_overlap. cssoundtrack_delay_min_length 7 // Minumum number of seconds music will play before changing [default 7] // Note: Sounds with a duration less than cssoundtrack_delay_min_length will only play for said duration. cssoundtrack_delay_combat 15 // Number of seconds after combat a player is still considered in combat [default 15] // ***** Volume options ***** cssoundtrack_volume_fast 0.8 // Volume of fast music from 0.0 to 1.0 [default 0.8] cssoundtrack_volume_slow 0.8 // Volume of slow music from 0.0 to 1.0 [default 0.8] cssoundtrack_volume_stinger 0.8 // Volume of stingers from 0.0 to 1.0 [default 0.8] // ***** Announcment options ***** cssoundtrack_announce_chat 1 // 0 = no change, 1 = announce music length and path on the console, // 2 = announce music length and path in chat area [default 1] cssoundtrack_announce_hud 0 // 0 = no change, 1 = announce music length and path in a HUD message [default 0] // ***** Music options ***** // Use the following command to add music to CSSoundtrack: // cssoundtrack_add -fast/slow/stinger- -sound file relative to ./sound- -duration- [0 = force client download (default), 1 = no client download] ["song title"] // duration - length of the sound file in seconds // The following options are an example. Please alter them as desired. cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL1_song10.mp3 104 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL1_song15.mp3 119.5 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL1_song17.mp3 163 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL1_song25_REMIX3.mp3 60.5 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song3.mp3 85 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song4.mp3 64.5 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song6.mp3 44 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song12_long.mp3 70.5 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song14.mp3 158.5 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song15.mp3 68 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song16.mp3 169 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song20_submix0.mp3 101 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song20_submix4.mp3 139 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song29.mp3 131 1 cssoundtrack_add fast music/HL2_song31.mp3 98.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song3.mp3 132 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song5.mp3 93 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song6.mp3 98.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song9.mp3 92.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song14.mp3 89 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song19.mp3 113 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song20.mp3 83.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song21.mp3 83 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song24.mp3 76 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL1_song26.mp3 37 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_intro.mp3 81.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song0.mp3 39 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song1.mp3 98 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song2.mp3 172 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song7.mp3 50.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song8.mp3 58 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song10.mp3 28.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song13.mp3 53 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song17.mp3 60.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song19.mp3 115 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song23_SuitSong3.mp3 43 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song26.mp3 69 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song26_trainstation1.mp3 90.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song27_trainstation2.mp3 71 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song30.mp3 103.5 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song32.mp3 42 1 cssoundtrack_add slow music/HL2_song33.mp3 83 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song7.mp3 22 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song8.mp3 9 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song16.mp3 15.5 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song27.mp3 17 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song28.mp3 6 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/industrial_suspense1.wav 11 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/stingers/industrial_suspense2.wav 10.5 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/HL1_song11.mp3 31.5 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/HL2_song25_Teleporter.mp3 46 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/HL2_song28.mp3 12.5 1 cssoundtrack_add stinger music/Ravenholm_1.mp3 28 1 // Removing all "slow" music will eliminate slow music, removing all "fast" music will eliminate fast music, // and removing all "stinger" music will eliminate _and skip_ stingers. // Music can be removed with the following server command: // cssoundtrack_remove -fast/slow/stinger- -sound file relative to ./sound- // Due to the fact music can be added and removed above, this command will not be used by most users // ***** Command documentation ***** // A player can be marked as in combat with the following server command: // cssoundtrack_setcombat -userid/name/"Steam ID"- // In addition to server commands CSSoundtrack offers Python commands. In order to utilize the Python commands CSSoundtrack must be loaded // before your addon and your addon must contain the import line: // from cssoundtrack import cssoundtrack // You may then use the following commands: // cssoundtrack.set_combat(arg_users) // - Sets a player or a group of players as "in combat" // arg_users - an integer userid or any object that can be iterated containing integer userids // cssoundtrack.add_music(str_type, str_path, float_duration, bool_prevent_download=False, str_title=None) // - Adds music to the specified playlist // str_type - a string containing 'slow', 'fast', or 'stringer' // str_path - a string containing the path to the sound file // float_duration - length of sound file in seconds // bool_prevent_download - False = clients must download sound file, True = clients will not download sound file // str_title - a string containing the title of song // cssoundtrack.remove_music(str_type, str_path) // - Removes music from the specified playlist // str_type - a string containing 'slow', 'fast', or 'stringer' // str_path - a string containing the path to the sound file // ***** Event documentation ***** // The following events will fire when CSSoundtrack is loaded: // cssoundtrack_combat // - Fires when a player enters or exits combat // event_var(userid) - Userid of the player who entered or exited combat // event_var(action) - Action performed ("ENTER", "EXIT") // cssoundtrack_music // - Fires when a player's music changes // event_var(userid) - Userid of the player whose music changed // event_var(sound) - Sound file playing // event_var(duration) - Length of sound file in seconds // event_var(title) - Title of the sound file // event_var(type) - Type of music playing ("SLOW", "FAST", "STINGER") // event_var(old_type) - Previous type of music ("SLOW", "FAST", "STINGER") // These events also provide event_var(es_steamid), event_var(es_username), and all the other event_vars that accompany // event_var(userid). More information can be found here:[/syntax] Please see the forum link below for more translations or if you have a translation to add. Please also post general questions or comments.

Version Notes For 7

Updated on: 2007-12-17 02:11:07 EST by SuperDave (View Zip Contents)
Updated to ES 2.0

( Previous Versions )