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Critical Shot - Version 0.3

posted on 2008-01-03 22:55:50
by Rio


[size=24][b]Critical Shot v0.3[/b][/size] [size=18][b]Description:[/b][/size] Gives weapons a chance to do a critical hit on the enemy. [size=18][b]Requirements:[/b][/size] * Mattie Eventscripts (2.0) [size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size] * Upload and unpack the scripts in your cstrike folder. * Edit the config settings in addons/eventscripts/critshot/ * Add this to your autoexec.cfg [syntax="es"]es_load critshot[/syntax] * Restart your server. [size=18][b]Config:[/b][/size] [syntax="python"]# show a beam between attacker and victim if it was a crit shot beam = 1 # color of the beam beam_red = 255 beam_blue = 0 beam_green = 0 # how long the beam is visible (in seconds) beam_duration = 1 # mult = multiplicator for the damage (standard = 1.0) # chance = chance in percent a critical shot happens weapons = { 'usp': {'mult': 2.0, 'chance': 100}, 'm4a1': {'mult': 1.5, 'chance': 20} } # message # 0 = off, 1 = center, 2 = top, 3 = chat # %a = attacker name, %u = user name, %d = damage, %w = weapon msg_option = 1 msg = "%a did a crit shot on %u with %w. He did %d dmg!" # crit shots can not kill someone (useful for gungame because the weapon is always player_hurt) no_crit_kill = 0[/syntax] [size=15][url=]Download![/url][/size] enjoy it!

Version Notes For 0.3

Updated on: 2008-01-26 07:12:40 EST by Rio (View Zip Contents)
- added msg option - added no crit kill option for gungame

( Previous Versions )