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Cookie's Popups - Version 3.0

posted on 2007-09-04 23:15:13
by Cookieman8


[i][color=black][size=18][b]Cookie's Popups[/b][/size][/color][/i] [b]Description:[/b] A simple popup script that is very easy to set up. This script was originally made for my clan's server, but I felt like letting other people use it. Comes with a welcome menu, a commands menu, a rules menu, and a join menu. [b]Commands:[/b] !welcome - sends the popup that you see when you join the game. !commands - List your server's commands. !rules - List your server's rules. !join - Tell a player how to join your clan. !me - Tells a player what their name is. !credits - Says who made this scripts !admins - Tells a player who the server admins are. !guns - Activates my gunmenu script. [b]Requirements:[/b] Current Eventscripts Popup [b]Settings:[/b] [code]//Cookie's Popups v1.0 //By Cookieman8 // //****General**** //Put your server name in the quotes es_xsetinfo ServerName "Experiment Clan 24/7 Surf Server" //Put your website in the quotes es_xsetinfo Website "" //****JOIN MENU**** //For a "how to" on joining the clan hosting the server. // // Choose which mode you want to be show to the person that types !join // 1 = Popup menu // 2 = Send a message. // 0 = Off es_xsetinfo joinmenu 1 //OPTION 1 - POPUP // Put -> before the step if you want it to appear orange. //How to Join- Step one es_xsetinfo Step1 "->1.Register in our forum" //How to Join- Step two es_xsetinfo Step2 "->2.Post an application" //How to Join- Step three es_xsetinfo Step3 "->3. Wait for a reply from headmaster Cookie." //How to Join- Step four es_xsetinfo Step4 "->4. Do whatever the response says." //OPTION 2 - MESSAGE //The message you want sent. es_xsetinfo Message "Go to, and register in the forum." ///****RULES**** //A list of all the server rules. Put the -> before the //rule if you want them to appear orange. //Can be left blank. //Set to 1 if you want to use the Rules menu. 0 = off. es_xsetinfo rulesmenu 1 //Put your first rule in the quotes. es_xsetinfo Rule1 "->1.If an admin says it you obey it." //Second Rule es_xsetinfo Rule2 "->2.Don't spawn kill" //Third Rule es_xsetinfo Rule3 "->3.Don't Spray porn tags" //Fourth Rule es_xsetinfo Rule4 "->4.Don't be racist" //****COMMANDS MENU**** //A list of all the server commands. Put the -> before the //commands if you want them to appear orange. //Can be left blank. //Set to 1 if you want to use the Commands menu. 0 = off. es_xsetinfo commandsmenu 1 //Put in your first command in the qoutes. es_xsetinfo Command1 "->1. DaggerMod" //Description of the first command. es_xsetinfo Command1Desc "Use the knife to throw a dagger" //Second Command es_xsetinfo Command2 "->2.MSRPG" //Second Command Description es_xsetinfo Command2Desc "Type rpgmenu to.....yea" //Third Command es_xsetinfo Command3 "->3.Oddblood" //Third Command Description es_xsetinfo Command3Desc "Type !oddblood to change your blood." //Fourth Command es_xsetinfo Command4 "Radio" //Fourth Command Description es_xsetinfo Command4Desc "Type !radio, turned on by request." //*****ADMIN MENU**** //A list of all the server's admins. //Set to 1 if you want to use the Admin Menu. 0 = off. es_xsetinfo adminmenu "1" //Enter your first admin's name in the quotes. es_xsetinfo admin1 "Cookieman1" //Second Admin es_xsetinfo admin2 "Cookieman2" //Third Admin es_xsetinfo admin3 "Cookieman3" [/code] [b]Installation:[/b] Make a new folder named cookies_popups in cstrike/addons/eventscripts Copy es_cookies_popups.txt into the newly made folder. add es_load cookies_popups to your autoexec.cfg or if you use rcon type rcon es_load cookies_popups in console. :)

Version Notes For 3.0

Updated on: 2008-01-04 04:20:22 EST by Cookieman8
[list] [*]Fixed a bug that somehow never gets saved. [*]Added my GunMenu script. [/list]

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