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CGA_antireconnect - Version 1.0

posted on 2008-03-19 12:40:00
by ridicoloEU



Its very simple. After first spawn a key is created for each player where his/her IP is stored. When he/she disconnects, the IP is banned for a time choosen in setup (2 minutes by default) and the key is deleted. It works only on "Disconnect by user" and not kicked players or those with connection or steam-logon problems. After first installed, it takes some time to the players to get used to this new future. But later it should help to prevent the reconnecting. (The first reason i have written it is because of steambans lagging sometimes by player_connect... this small script reduces the chances to lagg :) m4x

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2008-03-19 12:40:18 EST by ridicoloEU (View Zip Contents)
first version. Awaiting soem feed-back.

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