Let's you get rid of annoying people who insist on talking in annoying caps.
[syntax="python"]### Start Config ###
upper_percent_allow = 50 # The pecent of caps allowed in a sentance
upper_messages = {'All capitals is not cool': 1, 'Talking in all capitals does not get other people to listen to you': 3, 'In fact, it makes them utterly dispise you': 5, 'Please, help rid the world of noobs by killing yourself, now': 7, 'In fact, I\'ll do it for you': 9} # The messages that will be shown to the corresponding users the numbers are time that it takes to tell them
minimum_characters = 7 # The minimum amount of characters before starting punishment
excluded_persons = ('STEAM_0:0:230942304', 'STEAM_0:0:302493') # People who can talk in all caps
upper_characters = ('!?') # Characters that will count as Capitals
strip_all_text_without_tell = 0 # Just strip all Caps without telling people that All caps are nubs
slay_all_caps = 1
### End Config ###.[/syntax]