With BuyPoints it makes fun to play on your Server. The Players can kill other gamers and get Points, with this Points they can Buy extras, e.g 20 more health etc. The Addon have a Update Notification, Menu Sound, Buy sound and so on.
Script in German:
Whats NEW in 2.0 and 1.5?:
+ add German Language + Support
+ fixed bugs
+ better MenĂ¼
+ fixed bug in Update Notification
+ add the New Versionsnumber in Updatenotification
+ add Time message, to informate the people
There are 10 Bonies:
1. Boni brings 20 more Health
2. Boni brings 20 more Ammo
3. Boni brings 40 more Armor
4. Boni brings 50 more Health
5. Boni brings 40 more Ammo
6. Boni brings 100 more Armor
7. Boni brings 1.2x Speed
8. Boni brings 1x He, 2x Flashbang and 1x Defuse Kit
9. Boni brings 560 Gravity
10. Boni brings 16000 $ or 100 more health
When you like it gimme a +wOOt
Copy the Folders [b]addons[/b] and [b]sound[/b] in your gamedirectory.
Edit the [b]buypoints.py[/b]
##################################### The Bonies ####################################################################
# 1. Boni brings 20 more Health
# 2. Boni brings 20 more Ammo
# 3. Boni brings 40 more Armor
# 4. Boni brings 50 more Health
# 5. Boni brings 40 more Ammo
# 6. Boni brings 100 more Armor
# 7. Boni brings 1.2x Speed
# 8. Boni brings 1x He, 2x Flashbang and 1x Defuse Kit
# 9. Boni brings 560 Gravity
# 10. Boni brings 16000 $ or 100 more health
##################################### Start of Options ##############################################################
##################################### Command Options ###############################################################
admins = ['STEAM_ID_LAN', 'STEAM_0:0:17613739'] # admins allowed to give points
pcommand = "!points" # Text to write in the chat for BuyPoin Popup ?
ttime = 180 # in which intervall should there come a info Message ( in seconds )
adminpop = '!badmin' # Command to open Admin Menu
##################################### Point Options #################################################################
multi = 3 # How much kills needed, for getting one Point ?
lastboni = 2 # Set this to 1, to get 16000 $ with the 10. boni, or to 2 to get + 100 hp
##################################### Cost Options ##################################################################
points1 = 100 # How much costs the 1. Boni
points2 = 200 # How much costs the 2. Boni
points3 = 300 # How much costs the 3. Boni
points4 = 400 # How much costs the 4. Boni
points5 = 500 # How much costs the 5. Boni
points6 = 600 # How much costs the 6. Boni
points7 = 700 # How much costs the 7. Boni
points8 = 800 # How much costs the 8. Boni
points9 = 900 # How much costs the 9. Boni
points10 = 1000 # How much costs the 10. Boni
##################################### Update Options ################################################################
update = 1 # Set this to 1 to get notficitated when there is a new version
##################################### End of Options ################################################################
[b]es_load buypoints[/b]
in you Autoexec.cfg
Restart your Server[/color][/size]
Version Notes For 2.5
Updated on: 2009-08-08 08:34:28 EST by uedi (View Zip Contents)
+ add Admin can give Players Points
+ fixed bug in Update Notification
+ add the New Versionsnumber in Updatenotification
+ add Time message, to informate the people
+ add German Language + Support
+ fixed bugs
+ better MenĂ¼
First Release