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AWP Equalizer - Version 1.0

posted on 2009-01-30 05:15:33
by deathxel

Tags: css


Customizable addon which puts the following downsides to using the AWP: - If an AWP victim survives a shot, their hp is set to 100 - An AWP victim receives $500 - The AWPer loses 10 hp everytime he kills/injures an enemy with AWP - The AWPer loses $500 per kill/injure More to come for future versions! Dont forget, you can easily change the values of hp / money added or removed to players by simply opening the text file and changing the values at the top under block load.


- Extract awpequalizer folder to source dedicated server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts - Add the following line to autoexec.cfg: es_load awpequalizer - Restart your server - Enjoy my addon There is a readme file in the zip file so just read that if you need further help.

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2009-01-30 05:15:33 EST by deathxel (View Zip Contents)

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