AutoGunGame can load any GunGame version, if changing to specified maps, it is able to deactivate mani_anti_rejoin from Mani Admin Plugin, too.
There are various settings you can change.
[*]Which script should be auto-loaded on GunGame maps (GunGame version)
Default is 'gungame' for GunGame 5
[*]On which maps should GunGame be loaded (e.g. whole mapnames like "de_dust", "gg_" starting maps and/or other maps including strings that you define)
Default is loading GunGame on 'gg_' maps
[*]Which mapnames will be ignored by AutoGunGame (see config file for more information)
[*]Should GunGame be unloaded if changed to normal maps
Default is activated
[*]Should mani_anti_rejoin be disabled when running GunGame (helps at GG Deathmatch, so that Mani Admin Plugin doesn't kill you after rejoining)
Default is deactivated
[*]Should mani_anti_rejoin only be disabled if playing GunGame on GunGame maps (so it doesn't deactivate it on non-GunGame maps while running GunGame)
Default is activated
Default configuration happens in cstrike/addons/eventscripts/autogungame/config.cfg. You can also change options temporarily (until server restart or reloading of the script) through console.
[i][u]Method 1[/i][/u]
For automatic installing & loading of the script, just type the following in your server console or with rcon:
[code]es_install autogungame autoload[/code]
After that, either type the following or restart your server
[code]es_load autogungame[/code]
For automatic installing without auto-loading, type this:
[code]es_install autogungame[/code]
Configure the Script in addons/eventscripts/autogungame/config.cfg (to apply changes on server, reload the script, or restart your server)
[i][u]Method 2[/u][/i]
[*]Download the *.zip folder from here
[*]Extract it
[*]Copy the addons folder in your cstrike directory
[*]Open your autorun.cfg in cstrike/cfg (you should have one, otherwise create a blank .txt file and rename it)
[*]Add the line "es_load autogungame" at the end of the file
[*]Go to cstrike/addons/eventscripts/autogungame and open the config.cfg if you want to change some settings (self explanatory)
Version Notes For 1.15
Updated on: 2010-07-01 18:14:12 EST by scaiyth (View Zip Contents)
[*]updated to work with GunGame 5.1