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24/4 SRCTV demo recorder - Version 0.1.0

posted on 2008-02-10 07:11:52
by Grottenolm


This eventscript records demos with a SRCTV bot, starts a new demo exery x minutes, and calls status + sb_status every y minutes. [b]You need the following entries in the server.cfg:[/b] tv_enable 1 // Enables SRCTV. Note: You still MUST change the level at least once, else the SRCTV bot won't connect. tv_maxclients 0 // Don't allow spectators to join the SRCTV tv_delay 0 // Delay between your Gameserver and your HLTV. If you want to spectate players without being noticed, consider setting delay to 0. tv_name "[RdE]AufsichtsEnte" // Change this to whatever name you would like the SRCTV bot to have [b]You need the following entries in the autoexec.cfg:[/b] es_unload aufsichtsente es_load aufsichtsente [b]Caution![/b] # Your SRCTV is now running 24/7, recording demo-files all the time. That will consume a lot of disk space. Remember to zip your demo-files and delete or move them at regular intervals. # In order for the SRCTV bot to join you MUST change the map once after the server was started. So far there is no known way to have the SRCTV bot connect already on the first server start.

Version Notes For 0.1.0

Updated on: 2008-02-10 07:11:52 EST by Grottenolm
0.1.0: First version, please test ^^

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