awesomeTracer is a weapon/bullet tracer addon written in EventScripts Python.
It can be set to have team-coloured tracers (ie. Terrorist tracers will be red, CT tracers will be blue), or user-selected tracers.
If user-selected, a player can type !tracer or !laser in chat to change their tracer colour to one of seven different colours ([color=red][default]red[/color],[color=green]green[/color],[color=blue]blue[/color],[color=yellow]yellow[/color],[color=purple]purple[/color],white and [color=orange]orange[/color]).
Extract the zip into your mod directory [eg. /cstrike] and add the following line to your /cfg/autoexec.cfg file ::
[code]es_load atracer[/code]
If you wish, you can edit the options by opening the file and editing the top part ::
#####- EDIT BELOW HERE -#####
## How long the tracers will stay (in seconds) | DEFAULT = 0.7 ##
at_duration = 0.7
## Set to one to make team coloured tracers, set to 0 for user-defined | DEFAULT = 0 [not team colours] ##
at_team_colours = 0
Version Notes For 1.00
Updated on: 2008-07-06 01:42:55 EST by deathx9 (View Zip Contents)
Released to public.