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Advanced AFK 2.0 ScreenShot

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Advanced AFK 2.0 - Version 2.0.1

posted on 2008-04-14 03:03:03
by Juba_PornBorn



[size=18][b][color=red]Requires JoeyCMDs[/color][/b][/size] Attention!ยช! To use JoeyCMDs you just install it you dont need to add it in autoexec.cfg! [size=18][b][color=blue]Credits[/color][/b][/size] Thanks to SuperDave has always. Don, bonbon,Freddukes, help ;) [size=18][b][color=blue]CVARS[/color][/b][/size] Add to you server.cfg time_check 15 //how many seconds should a check be done? server_deathmatch 0 //turn to 1 to never kill afks Have you ever wanted to go to the bathroom or answer the phone or pet your dog or whatever and when coming back to the game not having 20 more deaths or being kicked for it? So you need this script. This script gives AFK players immunity and sets then invisible while they are gone without disturbing the game. other players will not need to wait for you cos if you are the last player on your team you get killed or if you carry the bomb you get killed also. This garantees smooth gameplay and at the same time give you time for the small things in life of wich you cannot escape. [size=16][b][color=red]Attention! This script does not kick or send to spectator AFK players! For that use your regular AFK manager.[/color][/b][/size] [size=18][b][color=blue]Features![/color][/b][/size] -Protect AFK player to a certain point while is presence is not disturbing the game -Keep the game going smoothly without anyone worrying about AFKs


drag and drop add in autoexec.cfg es_load advanced_afk2 add cvars in server.cfg or where you see fit.

Version Notes For 2.0.1

Updated on: 2008-04-16 00:51:30 EST by Juba_PornBorn (View Zip Contents)
-unfroze corrected

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