Based on BAT's options, which gave me some idea on what features I might need for a nice and easy to use admin menu, the plugin is a must have for a respectable admin, with basic options. Written in .py, free to use and to edit as you like, or use in your own plugins (maybe give some credits though)
- Player management : kick, ban (steamid, ip or both), slay, change name, change team (Spec, Tero, CT), teleport
- Map management: change map, set nextmap, start mapvote
- Kick/ban vote (can be enabled/disabled)
- you'll find out, if you decide to use it
Usable chat commands for players: adminlist, votekick, voteban, votemap, timeleft, thetime
Usable chat messages for admins:
say: @message - common message to all players, as admin
say_team: @message - private message to all the other admins, not visible for players
say: #message - center message to all players, as admin
say: $message - toptext message to all players, as admin
Note: It is best to set only one time/round/win/frag limit, and the others set to 0, to avoid any issues with "timeleft" chat command.