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WCS:P Shadow Priest - Version 1.0.5

posted on 2008-10-13 21:07:44
by Schubaal

Tags: css


[syntax="python"]z = 'Shadow Priest' race = wcs.Race(z) raceskill = wcs.Race(z).registerSkill raceskill("Shadow Word: Pain", 6, 3, "Attacks deal an additional [2...12] damage over 4 seconds") raceskill("Circle of Healing", 5, 1, "Heal teammates within [8...16]m for [15...75]. 8s cooldown") raceskill("Prayer of Fortitude", 3, 2, "Increase the health of all teammates by [10...30]") raceskill("Vampiric Embrace", 2, 9, "Heals your teammates for [25...50]% of the damage you deal") race.registerUltimate("Shadowform", 6, 3, 2, "Increase damage done by 5 and decrease damage taken by 5. Can't heal in Shadowform.") race.registerMinLevel(55) race.registerWeaponRestriction('block only',('m249'))[/syntax]

Version Notes For 1.0.5

Updated on: 2008-10-15 08:59:59 EST by Schubaal
*fixed compile errors *removed addoninfo

( Previous Versions )