[list][b][*][url=http://mattie.info/cs]EventScripts 2.0 or higher[/url]
[/b][/list][color=blue][b]Description:[/b] [/color]
[list]This add-on proposes to modify all radio texts and sounds easily and quickly![/list]
[color=blue][b]Forum:[/b] [/color][b] [url=http://forums.eventscripts.com/viewtopic.php?p=404099#p404099]http://forums.eventscripts.com/viewtopic.php?p=404099#p404099[/url][/b]
[color=blue][b]Video:[/b] [/color][b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbRCVsRshyA[/b]
[color=blue][b]Screenshots:[/b] [/color]
[color=blue][b]Server:[/b] [/color][b] [url=steam://connect/][/url][/b] [i](If you're interested to see how the plugin works)[/i]
[quote][i]Step 1[/i]. Upload the "[b][i]radioeditor[/i][/b]" folder on your [i]/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/[/i] folder.
[i]Step 2[/i]. Create or Edit your [b][i]autoexec.cfg[/i][/b] on your [i]/cstrike/cfg/[/i] folder:
[i]Step 3[/i]. Add a line to your autoexec.cfg: "[i]es_load radioeditor[/i]"
[i]Step 4[/i]. Restart your server.[/quote]
[color=blue][b]Add your own sounds:[/b] [/color]
[quote][i]Step 1[/i]. Upload your sounds on "[b][i]/cstrike/sound/[/i][/b]"
Create your own folder, for this example I'll call my folder "TrikzMe"
so I will put all my sounds in "[b][i]/cstrike/sound/TrikzMe/[/i][/b]" folder.
[i]Step 2[/i]. Edit your [b][i]/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/radioeditor/radioeditor.py[/i][/b] like this:
" [i]if args == ['go']:
es.msg('#multi', "\x079acdff %s \1(RADIO): Go Go Go, B*tches!" % Playername)
[b]es.cexec_all("play", "radio/com_go.wav")[/b]
return False[/i] "
" [i]if args == ['go']:
es.msg('#multi', "\x079acdff %s \1(RADIO): Go Go Go, B*tches!" % Playername)
[b]es.cexec_all("play", "TrikzMe/trololo.mp3")[/b]
return False[/i] "
[i]Step 3[/i]. Save and restart your server.[/quote]
Version Notes For 1337
Updated on: 2013-03-05 05:25:03 EST by devilsnake88 (View Zip Contents)
What is new?
- Possibility to add / download and play automaticly your personnal sounds!
- Little script optimisations
- Commented new functions for better understanding
- Tips/Recommendations -> Please look at commented lines on the script!
/!\ If you use [b][i][u]Radio Spam Block[/u][/i][/b] /!\
If you use Radio Spam Block you will see it not work...
To fix it, please edit your autoexec.cfg like this:
[quote]es_load radioeditor
es_load radiospamblock[/quote]
[quote]es_load radiospamblock
es_load radioeditor[/quote]
Now all will work perfectly![u][/u][i][/i]