-When you join you are muted if your player key value is set to not muted.
-When you die you get muted if your player key value is set to not muted.
-When you spawn you get un-muted if your player key value is set to muted.
-If enabled in config when dead type something it appears like so while muted by mani.
-[Example: +DEAD+ <playername>: <text>]
-Deadchat has to modes one for chat going to both dead and alive players or the other where dead chat only gos to dead.
-If player's steamid is in ms_notmutedable in the .cfg file they wont be muted and if dead chat is enabled dead chat wont effect them.
-A setting in the .cfg file called ms_manispam if set to 0 you wont see (CONSOLE) : Muted <playername>. If set to one you will see that.
-A setting in the .cfg called ms_dontshowtext if dead chat is enabled dead chat wont say commands/text that is in the setting.
-[Example: if it were to be set to ms_dontshowtext "stop!," and someone typed stop! that wont appear.]
-[Useful to block slient commands or to block commands such as @menu]
Verison - 0.91
-EventScripts: 2.0 or higher.
-Mani Admin Plugin [V1.2 T Legacy Source Engine] (Lower Verisons Wont Work)
[code]-Add script folder to [cstrike/addons/eventscripts/]
-Find you autoexec.cfg[cstrike/cfg/]
-Add to the bottom this line [es_load mutesage]
-Restart Server.[/code]
Default Config ->
// ____________________________
// | _ |
// | __ __ __ _|_ o __ |
// |(___ (__) | ) | | (__| |
// | __/ |
// |---------------------------
//Credit->ascii art from ASCII Text Maker tool.
//Mute Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Not Muteable People////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//People who you want not muted or//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//People you dont want the pesky thing saying that were even tho they have mute immunity///
//Seperate steamids by commas ","/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Example : ms_notmutedable "STEAM_0:0:3771609,STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXX,"/////////////////////
ms_notmutedable "STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXX,"
//Mani Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Mani Console Advert//////////////
//Do you want mani to say/////////
//(CONSOLE): Muted <playername>//
//0 = off 1 = on////////////////
ms_manispam 0
//Dead Chat Settings////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Mute Sage Dead Chat/////////////
//When dead what ever you type//
//gets shown while muted///////
ms_dcenable 1
//Dead Chat Mode/////////////////////////////////////
//1 = Dead Only/////////////////////////////////////
//0 = All//////////////////////////////////////////
//Dead only is dead text only gos to dead people//
//All is dead text gos to alive people aswell////
ms_dcmode 0
//Command/Text Blocker/////////////////////
//What text/commands you dont/////////////
//Want appearing in deadchat/////////////
//Seperate text/commands by commas ","//
ms_dontshowtext "changerace,myprivateraces,wcsmenu,wcs,shopmenu,bet t all,bet ct all,top10,rank,wcstop10,spendlevels,levels,showxp,raceinfo,ability,ultimate,playerinfo,!orders,!screens,!screen,!screenmenu,freekill,he freekilled me,i got freekilled,freekilled,@menu,"
echo "-=-Mute Sage Config Loaded-=-"
Release Info ->
//===========[Mute Sage]=============
//============By Shidobu=============
// 1/31/10 ->
// -Public Release of V 0.91 Build 1
// --Updated script to use and store steamids instead.
// 1/30/10 ->
// -Public Release of V 0.90 Build 1
// --Fixed few errors. Plus redid deadchat
// 1/30/10 ->
// -Public Release of V 0.81 Build 1
// --Fixed few errors and not relying on es_tools.......
// 1/30/10 ->
// -Public Release of V 0.8 Build 1
// 1/28/10 ->
// -V 0.1 Build 1 Started
//****************End of Log*********
// "Mute Mess"
// -If a admin mutes a player that player's muted status does not change in which case if the player dies the player is unmuted and if the player spawns the player is muted.
// --Fix
// ---Un-mute player when alive or mute player while dead.
// "Mute Wanter"
// -Rarely sometimes a player is muted when he/she spawns and un-muted when he/she dies.
// --Fix
// ---Just Un-mute/Mute depending on player if he/she is mute/notmuted.
// ----*Status* Fixed havnt got reports of it currently.
1.2 T Mani Admin Plugin OnlyAnylower verisons wont work
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