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INIClass - Version Revision 1 (Developer Preview)

posted on 2007-10-30 17:07:48
by Saul


Enables use of INI files in your ES2 addons. Simply import [b]INIClass[/b] and then use the methods provided to manage INI databases. INI databases are useful for storing configurations for your addons, settings or other flat-file database things needed. If you are looking for a Tree-based / Hierarchical Database format then look out for Onion2. As this is only a [b]PREVIEW[/b] of the script, all documentation will be made on the wiki in due course. If you want to use the script (which is not recommended as major script changes will be made), then contact me on IRC.

Version Notes For Revision 1 (Developer Preview)

Updated on: 2007-10-30 17:07:48 EST by Saul (View Zip Contents)
First public developer preview.

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