Chat bot that an admin gives a name and teaches to speak!
You can teach the bot key words and when someone says a key word to the bot it responses to it.
Also can player rock,paper,scissors!
All commands can be done in chat or console!
And must have Quotes!!!!!!!!!!!
!learn "Key words" "Response" /Teaches the bot key words
!bsay "text to force the bot speak" /Forces the bot to speak
!knows /Brings up popup of all the key words the bot knows
!dknows /Brings up a popup of things People say to the bot and doesnt know
!clear /clears the !dknows popup
!save /saves the bots brain(everything he knows)
#commands everyone can use
Examples of commands:
!learn "how are" "I'm fine how are you?"
PLayer: "bot how are you?"
Bot: "Player, I'm fine how are you?
!bsay "I am your master"
Bot: "I am your master"
Edit the top of
and put
es_load bot
in your autoexec.cfg
Version Notes For 1.2
Updated on: 2009-01-04 20:08:02 EST by dhack (View Zip Contents)
Working Version -Sorry about that!