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CafeBan - Version 1.6

posted on 2008-05-30 14:40:18
by RideGuy


Writen by RideGuy and XE_Manup Credit to WaLLy3K for the new parsing system concept of steamid game pages. This addon was requested by HackerKiller to put an end to the Cafe Account users who keep hacking on his servers. Kicks and/or bans all players who's SteamID matches the criteria of a Cyber Cafe Steam Account (starts with 7 and is 7 digits long) and has a community game page of a cafe account. Includes a "white list" for both steamid's (steamidwhitelist.txt) and IP's (ipwhitelist.txt) so you can make exceptions to the rule. Includes a "banned list" (bannedlist.txt) that records all SteamIDs that are banned by CafeBans.


Extract .zip file to your mod folder (cstrike, dod, tf, etc.). Add "es_load cafebans" to your autoexec.txt file. Restart your server.

Version Notes For 1.6

Updated on: 2008-06-30 21:19:48 EST by RideGuy (View Zip Contents)
-added IP whitelist -fixed inconsistent var names (thanks SuperDave) -other minor optimizations

( Previous Versions )