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AutoUpdate - Version 1.1

posted on 2007-12-30 12:58:32
by JoeyT2006


[color=red][size=18]AutoUpdate v1.1[/size][/color] Created by [color=green]JoeyT2007[/color] [size=18][color=blue][b]Requirements:[/b][/color][/size] [list][b][*][url=]EventScripts v2.0 or higher.[/url][/b][/list] [size=18][color=blue][b]Description:[/b][/color][/size] [list]Easy to use update checker for your scripts! All you need to do is provide the script name, and the AutoUpdate does the rest. It will check the scripts version against the ESAM version, if it differs it will download the script from ESAM and replace the current version. Make sure you disable this while developing it more.[/list] [size=18][color=blue][b]Examples:[/b][/color][/size] [list]Example 1 - Providing name only: [code]import es import AutoUpdate info = es.AddonInfo() = "Example" info.version = "1.0" info.basename = "example" def load(): AutoUpdate.CheckUpdates(info).start();[/code]Providing no url will make AutoUpdate get the new version from ESAM. Example 2 - Providing an url: [code]import es import AutoUpdate info = es.AddonInfo() = "Example" info.version = "1.0" info.basename = "example" info.updateurl = "" def load(): AutoUpdate.CheckUpdates(info).start();[/code]Providing an url will make AutoUpdate get the new version from the url provided![/list] [color=blue][size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size][/color] [list]1. Extract the addons folder to your cstrike folder[/list] [size=18][color=blue][b]Download:[/b] [/color][/size] [list][b]:arrow: [url][/url][/b][/list]

Version Notes For 1.1

Updated on: 2007-12-30 15:35:52 EST by JoeyT2006 (View Zip Contents)
[color=blue][size=18][b]Version Notes:[/b][/size][/color] [list][u][b]Version 1.1[/b][/u] [*]Removed file scanning. [*]Made file 60% smaller. [*]Easier for users. [u][b]Version 1.0[/b][/u] [*]Released to public.[/list]

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