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Attributes - Version RC 1

posted on 2011-05-31 18:54:36
by CrAzD


Adds an Attribute system to CSS. This adds a simple system that changes how CSS plays out. With default settings each level you only receive 1 attribute point to spend. You can either go all Power or a mix of them all. Each person will be different. Power: Damage increase Precision: Critical Chance Toughness: Damage reduction (reduces damage AFTER damage is calculated, critical hits included) Vitality: Adds health Additional Features: .att || Opens the Attribute Menu .add <attribute> <amount> || This is a shortcut for quickly attribute points


extra the zip into your cstrike directory find "Attribute Levels.txt" in cfg/Event Scripts/ and modify to your liking. Each line is a level (do not change that) find "Attributes.cfg" in cfg/Event Scripts/ and modify to your liking.

Version Notes For RC 1

Updated on: 2011-05-31 18:54:36 EST by CrAzD (View Zip Contents)
- Initial release

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