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Admin-Messenger - Version 1.0

posted on 2009-07-02 16:18:03
by Wourok


Tags: css


This little addon simply makes a player type: !admins in chat to make a message popup whit handy information if there would be any problems on the server. Mainly it's meant to tell the admins steam but if you know how to do it you can change it to your likning :D


*Extract it to /cstrike folder. *Unzip the file. *Go to /addons/eventscripts/!admins/es_!admins.txt *Change the text "Headadmins are: Wade154 and wmjm / wmjm2 message one of us if you have problems. Example: Freekilling." to your likning (This is the message the player will get while typing !admins). *Save it. *Then go on the server and type in your rcon password in the console(e.g. rcon_password "Wourok"). *Type: rcon es_load !admins in the console. And that's it, if it doesn't work please PM me :D

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2009-07-02 16:18:03 EST by Wourok (View Zip Contents)
Version 1.0

( Previous Versions )