4Seaons change every new Season the Models for each Player(Admin can be excluted).
It's mainly for FUN Servers.
For each Season, there are 2 Models (All Models see Picture)
Yes, of course, the Hitboxes changes, thats the reason, why it's mainly for FUN Servers
First Edit The Config:
##################################### Start of Options #######################################################################
admins = ['STEAMID1', 'STEAMID2', 'STEAMID3'] # Steamids that not get the Models
springmonths = '03,04,05' # The Spring Months e.g March = 03
summermonths = '06,07,08' # The Summer Months e.g June = 06
autumnmonths = '09,10,11' # The Autumn Months e.g September = 09
wintermonths = '12,01,02' # The Winter Months e.g December = 12
##################################### End of Options #########################################################################
I advise you, to have a Fast DL Server, because that are a lot of Things to Download.
If you like it,
give me a
Woot ;D
[b]Copy the Folders from the Package to your Game Directory.
Edit the Config in eventscripts/4seasons/4seasons.py
es_load 4seasons
in your
Give me a Woot ;D[/b]
Version Notes For 1.1
Updated on: 2009-10-14 11:36:41 EST by uedi (View Zip Contents)
Model for CT and T
First FUN Release ;D