Addons by Tag

by Fugi91
Alle 60 Sekunden gibt es einen festen Geldbetrag oder einen zufälligen Geldbetrag. / Every 60 seconds you get money or a random amount of money.

Autogivemoney [DA/DE/EN/FR] Details Version: 1.41
Updated:2012-01-29 06:40:56
Downloads: 18537

Adverting Screenshot
by Aolz
Auto text in chat!

Adverting Details Version: 1
Updated:2011-02-05 03:08:51
Downloads: 3139

Auto-Bhop Push Screenshot
This addon lets any player pushing and holding down the jump (space)-key automatically jump as soon as the ground is touched, known as "bunnyhop". In addition, the "use" key can be pressed to add a push to the jump.

Auto-Bhop Push Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2013-12-25 19:28:51
Downloads: 5240

Auto Downloader Screenshot
This addon makes every file in the "materials", "models", and "sound" folder automatically downloadable. No configuration or adding of files to a list required!

Auto Downloader Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-22 19:20:22
Downloads: 3143

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