Addons by Tag

A mod with a lot of fun and good training Aim and reaction. | Ein Mod mit viel Spielspaß und gutem Aim und reaktions Training.

XCN-InstaGib[OneShoot] [E2.0] Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-07-29 15:59:14
Downloads: 8664

Auto-Respawn works 100% and very configurable Screenshot
This auto-respawn works 100%. That makes it is that when entering to a team or when they kill you then you resuscitate instantly. // Este auto-respawn funcion al 100%. Hace que al morir o que cuando entras a un equipo revives instantaneamente.

Auto-Respawn works 100% and very configurable Details Version: 3
Updated:2010-09-01 11:44:50
Downloads: 5345

A simple well commented script to make players free from being blocked by other players. Can be instantly turned on or off by loading or unloading it.

Sit Down Son ~ No Block Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2013-06-03 11:03:01
Downloads: 2505

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