Version History

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Version: 5.0.15
Updated on:
2011-08-24 11:57:43 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 58415 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.15 Main Notes: -- Added a new server configure variable: music_tell_all --- If this is enabled, then whenever a song or radio is picked, it will tell all on server, instead of just the one that selected the song. ---- (This is currently supported for !music, !radio, !stop and !replay)
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Version: 5.0.14
Updated on:
2011-08-19 09:44:48 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 58071 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.14 Main Notes: -- More radio support --- You can now join other peoples radio from !MusicJoin --- !NowPlaying now shows if the player is listening to radio --- Added a new command for radio: ---- !replay2 - Will replay the last radio you listened to.
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Version: 5.0.13
Updated on:
2011-03-04 09:23:30 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 8374 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.13 Main Notes: -- New DB place. The old one kept getting "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" --- Huge thanks to ! -- Added a new command: !MusicSettings --- Lets the player open the MOTD window, without stopping the sound, so he can change the sound volume, pause, etc. You need this update to listen to music - unless you use your own DB, since the old one has been taking down!
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Version: 5.0.11
Updated on:
2010-11-11 21:00:18 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 8449 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.11 Main Notes: -- In !music, you can now choose an option called "View a list of songs [ABC-DEF-....]" - In there you can choose: "Specials", "ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX", "YZ". If you choose ABC, it will send you to a menu, like the normal menu, just with only artists that starts with either A, B or C. So, lets say you want to listen to Skillet. Then you just type !music, press 2 (View a list of songs [ABC-DEF-....]), select "STU", and then just select Skillet. Idea by phoenix131! Not really required, but still very recommend! Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.10
Updated on:
2010-11-06 15:08:16 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 7932 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.10 Main Notes: -- Removed check for update, as it caused an error on Linux servers, causing the script not to work. - Big thanks to phoenix131 for testing it on his Linux server, and MiB for letting me know that it was ESAMLIB, that was causing the error. Thank you both. -- I no longer need to sort the MusicDB myself - Nor do you, if you use your own DB - The script does it now. This means less work, and therefore I won't sort them anymore. If you are on .08 or below the artists won't be alphabetical ordered - well some will, but not all - when you load .09 however, they will show up just fine in alphabetical order Not really required, but still very recommend! Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.08
Updated on:
2010-11-01 17:34:12 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 7949 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.08 Main Notes: -- Now uses HTTP:// in the music-URLs. This is also because of the website-movement, bad about this: .07 and below broke. Very important update, due to http://, since .07 and below doesn't support http:// Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.07
Updated on:
2010-10-31 17:24:40 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 7934 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.07 Main Notes: -- Added German translation to the INI file. -- Added radios - Can be reached by typing !radio. -- Now gets the songs/artists from another website, since I (you guys...) had used all the bandwith on the other website. Very important update, due to the bandwith problem! Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.07
Updated on:
2010-10-31 17:17:54 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 7934 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.07 Main Notes: -- Added German translation to the INI file. -- Added radios - Can be reached by typing !radio. -- Now gets the songs/artists from another website, since I (you guys...) had used all the bandwith on the other website. Very important update, due to the bandwith problem! Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.06
Updated on:
2010-10-25 11:46:35 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 7548 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.06 Main Notes: -- Added server command (CFG): music_only_for_dead - If this is enabled, then only dead users can open the !music menu. -- Added server command (CFG): music_only_for_admin - Same as music_only_for_dead - But instead of checking if they're dead, it checks if they're admin! -- Now uses an INI file for the messages, so you can have multiple languages, and well, just simply edit the messages, without editing the script itself (the py file) Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.05
Updated on:
2010-10-20 13:44:04 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 6276 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.05 Main Notes: -- Sometimes when you picked a song, it would NOT play the song, but give an error in the console. Something about "choice" isn't set. This has now been fixed. (Sorry, I should have tested 5.0.04 more!) If you're on 5.0.01/02/03 then updating isn't needed, but recommend. If you're on 5.0.04 then updating to 5.0.05 is needed! Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.04
Updated on:
2010-10-20 10:47:55 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 6284 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.04 Main Notes: -- Removed a client command: !MusicArtist, it was simply causing too much checking (and lagging) to the script. -- The script now creates the menu as they're needed, instead of creating them all at once. This means that the server will only freeze for a very short time on script load! ([b]Thanks satoon, for the idea :][/b]) Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.03
Updated on:
2010-10-19 17:31:55 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 6675 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.03 Main Notes: -- Added a new client command: "!musicpanel", will show the user a list of things he can do. Like stop music, play music, force, etc. -- Instead of !nowplaying tells you what you listen to, it opens a menu, where you can choose: 1. Tell all what I listen to 2. Tell me what I listen to 3. Tell me what other listen to [include no-listening-people] 4. Tell me what other listen to [don't include no-listening-people] -- Added a new client command: !MusicJoin", it will allow you to join a song, that someone else is currently joinging. In the menu, you can see what the players are listening to. -- Added round end advertisement. Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.02
Updated on:
2010-10-18 19:39:33 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 5509 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
- 5.0.02 Main Notes: -- Added a new client command: "!musicartist <artist>" command, will send you to the chosen artist menu, ex: "!musicartist skillet", will send you to the skillet menu. Function disabled by default, due to addtional lagg on script load. -- Fix the standard "music_not_admin_msg" (in the .cfg file). -- Added a new server command: music_show_motd, if it's set to 1, then the MOTD will show when a song is chosen, from where they can see if the song is blocked, change volume, etc. Enabled by default. Feel free to request more songs, commands/functions, etc.
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Version: 5.0.01
Updated on:
2010-10-16 07:33:52 by TheCheeTaH
File Name: File Size: 4470 bytes (View Zip Contents)
Version Notes:
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