# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Bonbon's fun classes v_1.9 # # Requires: # # # # Eventscripts 2.0 # # # # add the line es_load bclasses to your autoexec.cfg # # # # Thank you to: # # Mattie who made the Quad mod (for glow) # # SD who made the jump multiplier and pickle thread # # GODJones (who else to point out my mistakes) # # # # # # # # If you have any questions e-mail me at: # # drunkenmousehide@hotmail.com # # or use the PMS on the eventscripts formums # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # import es, playerlib, popuplib, gamethread, usermsg, random player_classes = {} ''' To Add: Weapons dealer: Can use /give to get a weapon Has extra ammo and clip ''' bclasses = None jump_multiplier = 1.5 def load(): bclasses = popuplib.easymenu('example_menu', None, classes_choice) bclasses.settitle("|-Bonbon's Classes-|") classes = ('Zombie', 'Ghost', 'Homer', 'Kitty Kat', 'Assassin', 'Wizard', 'Vampire', 'Chameleon', 'Error', 'Satan', 'Engineer', 'Chemist', 'Android', 'Gordon') for taco in classes: bclasses.addoption (taco, taco) es.msg('#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: Loaded') def unload(): es.msg('#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: Unloaded') def player_connect(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] random_class = random.randint(1, 14) player_classes[userid] = random_class def player_disconnect(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): del player_classes[userid] def player_spawn(event_var): player = playerlib.getPlayer(event_var['userid']) userid = str(event_var['userid']) es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', "#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenBonbon Classes#green are active. Type #lightgreen!bclass #greenor #lightgreen!bhelp #greento chose your class") if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 1: # Zombie player.set('speed', '0.8') player.set('health', '350') es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenZombie, #greenYou are slow, but you do have extra health!') es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 1'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 2: # Ghost es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenghost,#green You have invisibility, speed and low gravity. Be careful though, You do glow!') es.server.queuecmd('es_xgive %s point_spotlight'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight setparent !activator'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightlength 250"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightwidth 250"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "rendercolor 100 100 100"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight lighton'%userid) player.set('speed', '1.4') player.set('model', 'shells/shell_9mm') player.set('health', '70') es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 1'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 3: # Homer es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now #lightgreenHomer Simpson,#green You are slow, but your fat protects you. But certain events make you drunk.') player.set('speed', '0.7') es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 1'%event_var['userid']) player.set('health', '500') elif player_classes[userid] == 4: # Kitty es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenKitty Kat, #greenYou have special jumping powers, can go fast and can stun other people.') player.set('speed', '1.2') es.server.queuecmd('est_setplayercolor %s 255 163 177'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 1'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 5: # Assassin es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenAssassin, #greenAs long as you do not talk, people may not see you. So do not talk!') player.set('model', 'shells/shell_9mm') es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 1'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 6: # Wizard es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenWizard, #greenTo see more info about your class, type #lightgreen!binfo') es.server.queuecmd('est_setgravity %s 0.6'%event_var['userid']) es.server.queuecmd('est_give %s weapon_m4a1'%userid) heal(userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 7: # Vampire: es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenVampire, #greenYou can leech other players health and are partially invisible') es.server.queuecmd('est_setplayercolor %s 255 255 255 100'%userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 8: # Chameleon es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenChameleon, #greenYou can morph into objects, type !morph_help for more info') random_player_models = ('props/cs_office/vending_machine', 'props/cs_office/sofa', 'props/cs_havana/bookcase_large', 'props/cs_office/file_cabinet1', 'props/de_train/barrel') random_model_chosen = random.choice(random_player_models) player.set('model', random_model_chosen) elif player_classes[userid] == 9: # Error es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green] You are now an #lightgreenERROR, #greenYou fail at shooting and walking, but since god feels bad for you, you have high health') player.set('model', 'error') player.set('speed', '0.6') player.set('health', '500') elif player_classes[userid] == 10: # Satan es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now #lightgreenSatan, #greenTo see more info about your class, type #lightgreen!binfo') player.set('health', '666') es.server.queuecmd('est_setplayercolor %s 255 0 0 255'%userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 11: # Engineer es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenEngineer, #greenYou have modded most of your equipment! To see more info, type #lightgreen!binfo') player.set('speed', '1.2') player.set('health', '150') elif player_classes[userid] == 12: # Chemist es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenChemist, #greentype #lightgreen!binfo #green for more info') elif player_classes[userid] == 13: # Android es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now a #lightgreenAndroid, #greenOnly headshots effect you, you can only use a m249 and have high HP but are slow') player.set('speed', '0.7') player.set('health', '250') es.server.queuecmd('est_give %s weapon_m249'%userid) player.set('cash', '0') elif player_classes[userid] == 14: # Gordon es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You are now #lightgreenGordon, #greenYou may only use knife, but you have a lot of health, speed and knife damage') player.set('health', '1000') player.set('speed', '1.5') es.server.queuecmd('est_setplayercolor %s 255 255 255 125'%userid) else: random_class = random.randint(1, 14) player_classes[userid] = random_class def heal(userid): player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) health = player.attributes['health'] gamethread.delayedname(4, 'heal_%s'%userid, heal, args=(userid)) if player_classes[userid] == 6: if health < 175: new_health = health + 3 player.set('health', new_health) def player_say(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) player_is_dead = player.get('isdead') xyzzy = ('!zombie', '!ghost', '!homer', "!kitty", '!assassin', '!wizard', '!chameleon', '!error', '!satan', '!engineer', '!chemist', '!android', '!gordon') if event_var['text'] in xyzzy: if player_is_dead == 1: if event_var['text'] == '!zombie': player_classes[userid] = 1 elif event_var['text'] == '!ghost': player_classes[userid] = 2 elif event_var['text'] == '!homer': player_classes[userid] = 3 elif event_var['text'] == '!kitty': player_classes[userid] = 4 elif event_var['text'] == '!assassin': player_classes[userid] = 5 elif event_var['text'] == '!wizard': player_classes[userid] = 6 elif event_var['text'] == '!vampire': player_classes[userid] = 7 elif event_var['text'] == '!chameleon': player_classes[userid] = 8 elif event_var['text'] == '!error': player_classes[userid] = 9 elif event_var['text'] == '!satan': player_classes[userid] = 10 elif event_var['text'] == '!engineer': player_classes[userid] = 11 elif event_var['text'] == '!chemist': player_classes[userid] = 12 elif event_var['text'] == '!android': player_classes[userid] = 13 elif event_var['text'] == '!gordon': player_classes[userid] = 14 else: es.tell(userid, '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: Sorry, you may only change your class while dead') elif event_var['text'] == '!bhelp': es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', "#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: To change your class type: #lightgreen!zombie, !ghost, !homer, !assassin, !wizard, !vampire,") es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#lightgreen!engineer, !satan, !chemist, !chameleon, !error, !android, !gordon #greenor #lightgreen!kitty') elif event_var['text'] == '!bclass': popuplib.send('bclasses', event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 5: es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#greenI told you not to talk...') es.server.queuecmd('es_xgive %s point_spotlight'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight setparent !activator'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightlength 250"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightwidth 250"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "rendercolor 255 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight lighton'%userid) es.emitsound('player', event_var['userid'], 'hl1/ambience/alien_powernode.wav', '0.5', '0.20') elif event_var['text'] == '!respawn': if player_classes[userid] == 6: if player_is_dead == 1: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenYou will respawn in #lightgreen15 #greenseconds') gamethread.delayed(15, es.server.cmd, 'est_spawn %s'%userid) gamethread.delayed(16, es.server.cmd, 'est_health %s = 75'%userid) gamethread.canceldelayed(heal) else: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenYou may only spawn if you are dead!') else: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenYou may only respawn as a #lightgreenWizard!') elif event_var['text'] == '!morph_help': es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You can morph into objects by typing #lightgreen!sofa, !barrel, !vend, !file or !book') elif player_classes[userid] == 8: if event_var['text'] == '!sofa': player.set('model', 'props/cs_office/sofa') elif event_var['text'] == '!barrel': player.set('model', 'props/de_train/barrel') elif event_var['text'] == '!vend': player.set('model', 'props/cs_office/vending_machine') elif event_var['text'] == '!file': player.set('model', 'props/cs_office/file_cabinet1') elif event_var['text'] == '!book': player.set('model', 'props/cs_havana/bookcase_large') elif event_var['text'] == '!jetpack': if player_classes[userid] == 12: es.server.queuecmd('est_jetpack %s 1'%userid) gamethread.delayed(3, es.server.queuecmd, 'est_jetpack %s 0'%userid) else: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: Sorry, you must be a #lightgreenChemist #greento use this feature') elif event_var['text'] == '!binfo': if player_classes[userid] == 6: # Wizard es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You can respawn in 15 seconds by typing !respawn, levitate, regenerate health and flash people. You always spawn with a m4a1') elif player_classes[userid] == 10: # Satan es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You have 666 health, but everyone hates you and makes life very hard for you. You will be slapped and burned when shot') es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: You cannot pick up: #lightgreenawp, g3sg1, m249, sg550, mp5navy, deagle, flashbang, xm1014') elif player_classes[userid] == 11: # Engineer es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenm4a1#green: Extra armor #lightgreenak47#green: Extra cash #lightgreenBoots of speed#green: You walk faster #lightgreenEnergy Shield#green: Extra health #lightgreenAwp#green: 5 seconds of god mode') es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenm249#green: Drug bullets #lightgreenHE Grenade#green: Fire Grenade') elif player_classes[userid] == 12: # Chemist es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenSnipers#green: Double Damage #lightgreenm249#green: Vision Imparing Bullets #lightgreenSMGs#green: Shake Bullets #lightgreenPistols#green: Slap Bullets') es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenRifles#green: Headshots rocket victims, Red fading crotch shots, Flash bullets #lightgreenShotguns#green: Slow bullets') es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[#lightgreenBClasses#green]: #lightgreenKnife#green: Freeze knife #lightgreenJetpack#green: Type #lightgreen!jetpack #greento enable') def player_jump(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] temp_multiplier = jump_multiplier - 1 if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 2: es.setplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecBaseVelocity', '%s,%s,%s' % tuple([es.getplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecVelocity[%s]' % x) * temp_multiplier for x in range(3)])) elif player_classes[userid] == 4: es.setplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecBaseVelocity', '%s,%s,%s' % tuple([es.getplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecVelocity[%s]' % x) * temp_multiplier for x in range(3)])) elif player_classes[userid] == 3: es.server.queuecmd('est_drunk %s 1'%event_var['userid']) def classes_choice(userid, choice, popupname): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): if choice == 'Zombie': player_classes[userid] = 1 elif choice == 'Ghost': player_classes[userid] = 2 elif choice == 'Homer': player_classes[userid] = 3 elif choice == 'Kitty Kat': player_classes[userid] = 4 elif choice == 'Assassin' : player_classes[userid] = 5 elif choice == 'Wizard': player_classes[userid] = 6 elif choice == 'Vampire': player_classes[userid] = 7 elif choice == 'Chameleon': player_classes[userid] = 8 elif choice == 'Error': player_classes[userid] = 9 elif choice == 'Satan': player_classes[userid] = 10 elif choice == 'Engineer': player_classes[userid] = 11 elif choice == 'Chemist': player_classes[userid] = 12 elif choice == 'Android': player_classes[userid] = 13 elif choice == 'Gordon': player_classes[userid] = 14 def player_hurt(event_var): pistols = ('weapon_glock', 'weapon_deagle', 'weapon_fiveseven', 'weapon_p228', 'weapon_usp', 'weapon_elite') sniper_rifles = ('weapon_awp', 'weapon_sg550', 'weapon_g3sg1', 'weapon_scout') smgs = ('weapon_mac10', 'weapon_p90', 'weapon_mp5navy', 'weapon_tmp', 'weapon_ump45') rifles = ('weapon_ak47', 'weapon_m4a1', 'weapon_famas', 'weapon_sg552', 'weapon_aug', 'weapon_galil') shotguns = ('weapon_m3', 'weapon_xm1014') vampire_victim = playerlib.getPlayer(event_var['userid']) vampire_attacker = playerlib.getPlayer(event_var['attacker']) userid = event_var['userid'] attacker = event_var['attacker'] damage_done = int(event_var['dmg_health']) attacker_health = int(event_var['es_attackerhealth']) victim_health = int(event_var['es_userhealth']) victim_armor = int(event_var['es_userarmor']) attacker_armor = int(event_var['es_attackerarmor']) attacker_cash = int(vampire_attacker.get('cash')) victim_cash = int(vampire_victim.get('cash')) player_new_x_look = random.randint(1, 1000) player_new_y_look = random.randint(1, 1000) player_new_z_look = random.randint(1, 1000) if player_classes[userid] == 3: es.server.queuecmd('est_drunk %s 0.1'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[userid] == 10: es.server.queuecmd('est_burn %s 0.3'%userid) player_new_x = random.randint(1, 75) player_new_y = random.randint(1, 75) player_new_z = random.randint(1, 75) es.server.queuecmd('est_physpush %s %s %s %s'%(userid, player_new_x, player_new_y, player_new_z)) elif player_classes[userid] == 13: if event_var['hitgroup'] != '1': old_victim_health = damage_done + victim_health * 1.05 vampire_victim.set('health', old_victim_health) else: pass if player_classes[attacker] == 9: reduced_damage = damage_done / 2 new_error_victim_health = victim_health + reduced_damage vampire_victim.set('health', str(new_error_victim_health)) elif player_classes[attacker] == 4: userid.set('freeze', '1') es.delayed(0.2, 'playerset freeze %s 0'%event_var['userid']) elif player_classes[attacker] == 6: vampire_victim.set('flash', ['255 255 255 255', '0.3']) elif player_classes[attacker] == 7: damage_rewarded = damage_done / 3 new_attacker_health = damage_rewarded + attacker_health new_victim_health = victim_health - damage_rewarded vampire_victim.set('health', str(new_victim_health)) vampire_attacker.set('health', str(new_attacker_health)) usermsg.centermsg(attacker, 'You have leeched %s health from %s' % (damage_rewarded, event_var['es_username'])) usermsg.centermsg(userid, '%s stole %s health from you' % (event_var['es_attackername'], damage_rewarded)) usermsg.hudhint(attacker, 'You have leeched %s health from %s' % (damage_rewarded, event_var['es_username'])) usermsg.hudhint(userid, '%s stole %s health from you' % (event_var['es_attackername'], damage_rewarded)) elif player_classes[attacker] == 11: if event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_m4a1': armor_rewarded = victim_armor / 5 new_attacker_armor = armor_rewarded + attacker_armor new_victim_armor = victim_armor - armor_rewarded vampire_attacker.set('armor', str(new_attacker_armor)) vampire_victim.set('armor', str(new_victim_armor)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_ak47': cash_rewarded = victim_cash / 1000 * damage_done new_attacker_cash = attacker_cash + cash_rewarded new_victim_cash = victim_cash - cash_rewarded vampire_victim.set('cash', str(new_victim_cash)) vampire_attacker.set('cash', str(new_attacker_cash)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_mp5navy': damage_rewarded = damage_done / 3.5 new_attacker_health = damage_rewarded + attacker_health new_victim_health = victim_health - damage_rewarded vampire_victim.set('health', str(new_victim_health)) vampire_attacker.set('health', str(new_attacker_health)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_m249': es.server.queuecmd('est_drug %s 0.15'%userid) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_awp': es.server.queuecmd('est_god %s 3'%attacker) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_hegrenade': es.server.queuecmd('est_burn %s 4'%userid) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_flashbang': vampire_victim.set('freeze', '1') gamethread.delayed(2, 'playerset freeze %s 0'%userid) elif player_classes[attacker] == 12: if event_var['es_attackerweapon'] in sniper_rifles: es.server.queuecmd('est_damage %s %s %s'%(event_var['attacker'], event_var['userid'], damage_done)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_m249': vampire_victim.set('viewcoord', '%s %s %s'%(player_new_x_look, player_new_y_look, player_new_z_look)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] in smgs: es.server.queuecmd('est_shake %s %s %s'%(userid, player_new_x_look, player_new_y_look)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] in pistols: player_new_x = random.randint(1, 100) player_new_y = random.randint(1, 100) player_new_z = random.randint(100, 200) es.server.queuecmd('est_physpush %s %s %s %s'%(userid, player_new_x, player_new_y, player_new_z)) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] in rifles: if event_var['hitgroup'] == '1': es.msg('#multi', '#lightgreen%s #greengot a headshot on %s'%(event_var['es_attackername'], event_var['es_username'])) es.server.queuecmd('est_rocket %s'%userid) elif event_var['hitgroup'] == '3': es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#lightgreen%s #greenhit you in the #lightgreencrotch, OUCH!'%event_Var['es_attackername']) es.server.queuecmd('est_fade %s 2 2.5 2.5 255 0 0 100'%userid) else: vampire_victim.set('flash', '255 0.2') elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] in shotguns: vampire_victim.set('speed', '0.5') gamethread.delayed(3, 'playerset speed %s 1'%userid) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_knife': vampire_victim.set('freeze', '1') gamethread.delayed(3, 'playerset freeze %s 0'%userid) elif event_var['es_attackerweapon'] == 'weapon_hegrenade': es.server.queuecmd('est_burn %s 3'%userid) elif player_classes[attacker] == 14: knife_damage_rewarded = damage_done * 2.5 new_knife_victim_health = victim_health - knife_damage_rewarded vampire_victim.set('health', new_knife_victim_health) def bomb_beginplant(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 3: es.server.queuecmd('est_drunk %s 2'%event_var['userid']) es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#greenYour Team is awarding your for starting to plant the bomb by giving you more beer!') def bomb_begindefuse(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 3: es.server.queuecmd('est_drunk %s 2'%event_var['userid']) es.tell(event_var['userid'], '#multi', '#greenYour Team is awarding you for starting to defuse the bomb by giving you more beer!') elif player_classes[userid] == 10: player_new_x = random.randint(1, 100) player_new_y = random.randint(1, 100) player_new_z = random.randint(100, 200) es.server.queuecmd('est_physpush %s %s %s %s'%(userid, player_new_x, player_new_y, player_new_z)) def item_pickup(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 3: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenYou should not bend over, it gives you a major headache') es.server.queuecmd('est_drunk %s 0.5'%userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 10: cant_pick_up = ('awp', 'g3sg1', 'm249', 'sg550', 'mp5navy', 'flashbang', 'xm1014') if event_var['item'] in cant_pick_up: es.cexec(userid, 'drop') es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenSorry, the makers of this weapon are extreme catholics, no#lightgreen %s #greenfor you!'%event_var['item']) elif player_classes[userid] == 13: if event_var['item'] != 'm249': es.server.queuecmd('est_stripplayer %s'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('est_give %s weapon_m249'%userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 14: if event_var['item'] != 'knife': es.server.queuecmd('est_stripplayer %s'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('est_give %s weapon_knife'%userid) def player_radio(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes.has_key(userid): if player_classes[userid] == 5: es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#greenIf you can not talk, what makes you think you may use the radio?') es.server.queuecmd('es_xgive %s point_spotlight'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight setparent !activator'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightlength 200"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "spotlightwidth 200"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "rendercolor 100 100 100"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight addoutput "angles -90 0 0"'%userid) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight lighton'%userid) es.emitsound('player', event_var['userid'], 'hl1/ambience/alien_powernode.wav', '0.5', '0.20') def player_death(event_var): userid = event_var['userid'] if player_classes[userid] == 6: gamethread.cancelDelayed('heal_%s'%userid) elif player_classes[userid] == 12: (x, y, z) = es.getplayerlocation(userid) es.server.queuecmd('est_blackhole %s %s %s 1'%(x, y, z)) elif player_classes[userid] == 5 or player_classes[userid] == 2: es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s point_spotlight lightoff'%userid)