//Anti-Spawn kill by Jeza :> block load { es_xsetinfo filter 1 //1 = on, 0 = off. If surf is not found in map name, protection is disabled. es_xsetinfo warmup 30 //Time before the mod starts on map change - 30 highly recommended - this is to stop double protection etc es_xsetinfo time 10 //Time to be protected - in seconds es_xsetinfo js_admins "STEAM_0:0:9870881 - STEAM_ID_LAN" //Admin SteamID's, seperate with a - eg. 'STEAM_ID:0:1:TEST - STEAM_ID:0:1:TEST2' //Don't edit below this line. es_xregclientcmd js_admin spawn/admin "Command to access admin - thru console" es_xregclientcmd js_toggle spawn/able "Toggles protection on/off - thru console" es_xregclientcmd js_time spawn/time "Command to change protection time - thru console" es_xregclientcmd js_help spawn/help "Help me!" es_xregsaycmd !js_help spawn/help "Help me!" es_xregsaycmd !js_admin spawn/admin "Command to access admin" es_xregsaycmd !js_toggle spawn/able "Enables/Disables the mod" es_xregsaycmd !js_time spawn/time "Changes the protection time. Syntax: !js_time