Con este admin tendras todo lo necesario para echar una buena war, ahora incluye sistema de !ready. Ademas viene con notas explicativas de que hace cada comando por si quieres aprender un poco a como hacer un plugin. Todo completamente en Español.
Play deathrun on HL2DM! Combine control traps and rebels must dodge them. Built in no-block, Rounds, combine ban, Score counter, events and combine limiter.
Modules and sub-packages that collectively represent a generic set of tools to simplify / wrap and extend eventscripts functionality, in a pythonic fashion, adhering to the SOLID principles.
Allows admin to define custom placenames in a map by defining the corners of the cube where the placename should be. After defining placenames for a map, you can determine where a user is located by calling pn_getplacename from another script